

Modernization of a childhood play-LPKF ProtoMat E44 reduces development time

類別:白皮書 / 發佈者:LPKF / 發佈時間:2021-09-15

ProtoMat E44 allows a time-critical development to succeed

The RWTH Aachen welcomes all new university students in an introductory week with a supporting program. For this purpose students of the Department of Electrical Engineering have developed the game "Schollenspiel" (floe game), in which a player has to memorize a path given by points of light on the playing field and follow it after the points of light have gone out.

The challenge was to develop and produce the game in just three weeks including iteration stages. This challenge could only be mastered by the fast and flexible creation of prototypes and small series by means of an LKPF ProtoMat E44 circuit board plotter.

解決方案:LPKF ProtoMat E44
白皮書閱覽:Modernization of a childhood play-LPKF ProtoMat E44 reduces development time
